Thursday, July 20, 2017

GOD's Property CAN'T self destroy!!! - John 19:10-11 NKJV

“10 Then Pilate said to Him, “Are You not speaking to me? Do You not know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You?”
1Jesus answered, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore, the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.”

In this GREAT REVELATION, JESUS is telling us:

 A body who BELONGS to GOD, CANNOT be overpowered by the enemy!!!

Do you know what that means?

·        Nothing that the devil uses to destroy you(us), will eventually succeed!!!
·        You will NOT yield unto the temptation to attempt against your own body/life for it’s not yours BUT BELONGS to GOD! 
·        Satan will NOT succeed on this attempt against a body that belongs to God! GOD WILL NOT ALLOW him to! 
·        YOU ARE GOD’s PROPERTY!!!
·        As GOD’s Property HE will NOT attempt against HIMSELF!
·        THE POWER OF GOD in the person who has it cannot and will not be able to give glory to GOD if GOD gives permission to destroys it, THEREFORE, GOD WILL KEEP IT in safety!!! 

IF temptation comes to damage/auto-destroy GOD’s Property

And the person is actually THINKING about it, IT MEANS:
The personal relationship between the individual and GOD, has been compromised/broken WHICH MEANS IT MUST BE RESTORED!
In this case, REPENT of your sins, CONFESS THE LORD AS your only SAVIOR & MASTER of your life, as a way of SALVATION. IMMEDIATELY!!!! Then call a brother/sister in THE LORD, or your “ex-Pastor”.   

If a relationship is strong in THE LORD, when temptation comes:

The same POWER OF GOD inside of you, WILL REJECT THE TEMPTATION, and the only thing left to do, is cast in out in JESUS NAME to the pits of hell where it came from!
Start to worship THE LORD ALOUD!!! IMMEDIATELY!!! You can call your prayer support team, but not necessarily.

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