Monday, December 12, 2016

To GOD be the glory!!! - James 1

"2 Dear brothers and sisters, WHEN TROUBLES of any kind COME YOUR WAY, consider it an OPPORTUNITY for GREAT JOY. For you know that when your faith is tested, your ENDURANCE has a chance TO GROW. So let it grow, for WHEN your endurance IS FULLY DEVELOPED, you will be PERFECT and COMPLETE, needing nothing. IF YOU NEED WISDOM, ASK our generous GOD, and HE will GIVE IT to you. HE WILL NOT REBUKE you for ASKING. BUT WHEN you ASK HIM, BE SURE that your FAITH IS in GOD ALONE. DO NOT waver, for a person with DIVIDED LOYALTY is as UNSETTLED as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people SHOULD NOT EXPECT TO receive anything from THE LORD. Their loyalty is divided between GOD and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do…. 12 GOD BLESSES those who patiently ENDURE TESTING and TEMPTATION. Afterward they WILL RECEIVE the crown of life that GOD has PROMISED to those who LOVE HIM.”

Stay PRAYED UP! If you think you need a prayer partner because the winds of your storm are too strong, AFTER SEEKING THE LORD for strength, call one of your sisters in THE LORD. DO NOT try to do life on your own, GOD DIDN’T intended for you to do it alone, that’s why we all need JESUS! DON’T you dare to leave HIM behind!!!

There are times, when you would like to have someone physically present by your side, be not afraid to ask GOD to send you a sister (if you’re a woman; a brother if you’re a man) to encourage you, to testify to you about what God had done, to pray for you and standing in the gap for that person or situation afflicting you.  HE KNOWS you better than anyone else, and “For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matt. 7:8

You ARE NOT ALONE! In the body of Christ, ALL of us go thru testing and temptation, that’s why is ESSENTIAL, for us to stay rooted in church, because from the THRONE OF GRACE we will receive mercy and grace when we needed it the most; when we go there, we will see and hear our siblings in THE LORD’s testimony and we’ll be encouraged to stay standing strong. All because we’re not doing it on our own but depending on THE LORD’s strength, and this will bring us the needed VICTORY, this is what’s called to be “from glory to glory”! When a battle has been conquered in victory, we give glory to GOD; and when another testing and temptation will come, we’ll be strong to do it all over again. To GOD BE THE GLORY!!!  

My friends, have a great day in the LORD, and worship with me, for TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

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