Friday, March 18, 2016


“Detestable” – is mentioned 17 times in 16 verses in Deuteronomy; and 100 times in 96 verses in the entire NLT Bible.  This word is used in reference to people, places or things, also to name some the activities people practiced.

“Detestable” is described in the dictionary as something causing or deserving intense dislike, worthy to be hate, hateful, repugnant, abominable, and loathsome. The Hebrew word for detestable is a synonymous with "abomination," "abominable thing". The Hebrew translation of detestable is a term always applied to idol-worship or to objects connected with idolatry[1]; often also translated "abomination"[2]. The Hebrew translation of "abomination," is applied in the Scriptures to that which is ceremonially unclean[3], creatures forbidden as food, as water animals without fins or scales, birds of prey and the like, winged creeping things, creeping vermin.  By partaking of the food of the animals in question one makes himself detestable[4]. Similarly the idolatrous appurtenances (the equipment needed for an activity) are to be held in detestation; nothing of the kind should be appropriated for private use or be brought into your home[5].
Practices in regard to detestable gods are considered:
1.       Evil,
2.       A sinful thing to do,
3.       Something the lord will double the punishment for
4.       To those that incur in contaminate the place.[6]

Whoever is guilty of it:

1.       Will be cut off
2.       The lord will show no pity at all because the person has defiled god’s temple[7]
3.       The lord will make all their wealth disgusting to them because they were proud of their beautiful jewelry and used it to make detestable idols and vile images.[8]
4.       Is provoking the Lord to pour out HIS fury on them[9]

Other mentioned detestable practices:

1.       A man practicing homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman[10]
2.       A woman wearing men's clothing[11]
3.       A man wearing women's clothing11
4.       The offering to fulfill a vow, can’t be from the earnings of a male or female prostitute[12]
5.       All who cheat with dishonest weights and measures[13]
6.       Anyone who carves or casts an idol and sets it up[14]

Although The Lord considers it to be a “really bad” thing, the good thing is that there’s still hope for those who realize their sin.
“O Israel,” says the Lord,   if you wanted to return to ME, you could. You could throw away your detestable idols and stray away no more.”[15]

And the promise, “They will never again pollute themselves with their idols and vile images and rebellion, for I will save them from their sinful apostasy. I will cleanse them. Then they will truly be my people, and I will be their God”[16] it’s a promise for God’s children, again, ONLY for God’s children.

The question: ARE you one of HIS children?          

Is one thing bringing kids into the world and let those kids be raised by anyone in the streets, but it’s another thing to bringing up kids to be raised by the father and the mother who procreated them.  God make us all, but you personally have to make the choice, the choice of allowing HIM to Fathered you.  Just like a flesh and bone father, dictate the children’s disciplines in the home, our Heavenly Father had given us HIS word to discipline us in it, and with it. But you HAVE to accept HIM as a Father; you will hurt HIS feelings if you choose to walk away from HIM, for HE has GREAT plans for you[17], but HE will respect your choice.

I pray you choose to allow HIM to father you.

Just Admit that you are a sinner, and need salvation. Believe that God sent JESUS (HIS gift to us) to die at the cross to pay for our sins. And Confess the Lord as your only Savior & Master of your life.
After this believe that God had cleansed your ugly past, and sees you as a brand new creation with new opportunities to stay and walk with Him every day. Therefore I pray for Him to lead you to the church you need to be at where HIS Word is preached, and idol worshiping is inexistent.  Study His Word and pray DAILY! And join a Bible study group in church, you will discover that you have new brothers and sisters that are eager to meet you and grow in the Lord with you. And I pray in Jesus name and for His glory, AMEN!!!

Try it! You will not be disappointed, for GOD NEVER FAILS!

[1] Footnotes 6-8
[2] 1 Kings 11:5,7
[3] Leviticus 7:21;11:10-12,20,23,41
[4] Leviticus 11:43; 20:25
[5] Deuteronomy 7:26
[6] Jeremiah 16:18
[7] Ezekiel 5:11
[8] Ezekiel 7:20
[9] Ezekiel 20:8
[10] Leviticus 20:13
[11] Deuteronomy 22:5
[12] Deuteronomy 23:18
[13] Deuteronomy 25:16
[14] Deuteronomy 27:16
[15] Jeremiah 4:1
[16] Ezekiel 37:23
[17] Jeremiah 29:11

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