The movie
media for ages had tried to venerate vampires, to the max promoting this full
of darkness lifestyle as an acceptable lifestyle. Google
says: “The vampire lifestyle or vampire subculture is an alternative lifestyle. The vampire subculture has stemmed largely
from the Goth subculture, but also incorporates some elements of the
sadomasochism subculture.”
friends, this “vampire thinking” it’s no good among us Christians. We
Christian, DO NOT represent the
darkness but in the opposite, the light. Darkness and all the practices that come with it, shouldn’t be a part of
our lives or something we support, especially if it has to do with eating or drinking blood. And for those of you
who might say or be confronted with someone who may say: “when the Holy
Communion is done people partake of the body and the blood”, you might reply
that yes it is because we ARE in covenant with our Creator, Savior and Master,
and it has been HIS command for us to do so, and we follow it as a reminder of
who we belong to, and in obedience to HIM.
The Lord says
in His word, that in darkness people wander far from God, “Their minds are full
of darkness; they wander far from the life God gives because they have closed
their minds and hardened their hearts against him.”[1]
The New King James Version of The Bible
reads: “having their understanding
darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that
is in them, because of the blindness of their heart”; therefore fleeing from
God IS NOT HIS plan for us. Since the beginning of times, when Adam & Eve
sinned they broke the communion with The Creator; and we human seem to be attracted
towards wandering off from GOD. “God who
has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the
ministry of reconciliation”[2] and this
reconciliation effort started back at the Garden of Eden, and is been recorded all
thru The Bible.
encouraging you today to lead your mind and life towards The Lord who created
you! Allow NOT to wander off away from HIM for otherwise darkness is awaiting
for you to drag you down to the abyss. I
can pray for you to be strong but YOU WILL HAVE to make the choice of who you
will serve, for NO ONE can serve two masters, “for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else
he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.”[3]
yourself with people who are looking to better themselves thru God’s Word, not on their own; be a part of a weekly Bible
class, study the Word at home, and attend faithfully to church where God’s Word
is preached and studied. DO NOT look for perfect people,
for you’re not going to find it; the ONLY PERFECT PERSON was crucified, for you
and me, His name was JESUS of Nazareth. The
rest of us are ALL IMPERFECT people striving to serve a PERFECT and HOLY GOD. We all are far from perfect, and church
leaders are not perfect either, so fix your eyes on JESUS! If you see something
that isn’t right before your eyes, pray for the Lord to convicts the person and
uncover any wrong doing; but in the meantime, KEEP LIVING and SERVING GOD!!!
I pray you
have a made up mind to serve God, and hunger after HIS Word and HIS ways, all
the time; to grown in HIM to testify to the world what THE LORD had done for
you. As you do, I pray the LORD bless
the cup of your life to overrun so you become a blessing to all those around
you, and I pray for HIS glory in JESUS name, AMEN!
Have a great
day in the Lord!
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