Then there was war in heaven (an angel wanted to be like God[1])
This great dragon—the
ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan
The dragon was fought
by Michael and his angels
The dragon lost the battle
The dragon and his angels were forced out of heaven
The one deceiving the
whole world
Satan was thrown down
to the earth with all his angels
The accuser of our brothers and sisters
Accuses them before our God, day and night
The accuser has been defeated by the blood of the
The accuser brings terror
on the earth and the sea
The devil has come down to you in great anger
The devils knows he has
little time
The ONE who is REALLY in charge is THE LORD!!!
Do NOT let the devil intimidate you! GOD is
Although war breaks out near you, God’s angels are all around us. Michael
and his angels fought and defeated the dragon, and this is an assurance for us
that they prevail then and we will prevail today, of course NOT ON OUR OWN
STRENGTH but in GOD WHOM WE TRUST, and who’s fighting for us!
They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony, and so will we! The kingdom
of our God, the power of Christ, salvation, and strength, has come, therefore REJOICE!
SURE, is that you BELONG to GOD’S Team;
otherwise this promise of victory IS NOT
for you!
If you do not belong to HIS team, you can fix that
right now, just choose to
ADMIT that you are a sinner, and therefore in need of salvation; BELIEVE that God sent JESUS (HIS gift
to us) to die at the cross to pay for our sins, and CONFESS The Lord as your only Savior & Master of your life.
Now I’m praying for Him to lead you to the church you need
to be at, where HIS Word is preached, and idol worshiping is inexistent. I pray you start to study His Word and pray
DAILY! And I pray you join a Bible study group in church so you can discover
that you have new brothers and sisters that are eager to meet you and grow in
the Lord with you. In JESUS name and for HIS glory I pray, AMEN!!!
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