Thursday, December 24, 2015

Living in the Light – 1 John 1:5-2:17

"5b …GOD IS LIGHT, and there is no darkness in HIM at all. 6 So we are lying IF we say we have fellowship with GOD BUT go on living in spiritual darkness; we are NOT practicing THE TRUTH. 7 But IF we are living in the light, as GOD is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of JESUS, HIS SON, cleanses us from all sin….
9 But IF we confess our sins to HIM, HE is FAITHFUL and JUST to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness."

1 John 21 My dear children, I am writing this to you SO THAT YOU WILL NOT SIN. But IF anyone does sin, we have an ADVOCATE who pleads our case before the FATHER. He is JESUS CHRIST, the ONE who is truly righteous. 2 HE himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world.
3 And we can be sure that we know HIM IF we OBEY HIS commandments. 4 IF someone claims, “I know GOD,” but doesn’t obey GOD’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth. 5 But those who obey GOD’S WORD truly SHOW how completely they love HIM. That is how we know we are living in HIM. 6 Those who say they live in GOD SHOULD LIVE their lives AS JESUS DID….  
9IF anyone claims, “I am living in the light,” but hates a fellow believer,[a] that person is still living in darkness. 10 Anyone who loves a fellow believer[b] is living in the light and DOES NOT cause others to stumble….
16 For the world offers only a craving for PHYSICAL PLEASURE, a craving for everything we see, and PRIDE in our achievements and possessions. THESE ARE NOT FROM THE FATHER, but are from this world. 17 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But ANYONE WHO DOES WHAT PLEASES GOD WILL LIVE FOREVER.

GOD is light by nature; on the other hand, since Adam & Eve, our nature became stained living in spiritual darkness but that is until we choose to live for God. One of the hardest things to do when you accept The Lord in your heart is to start living “right”; and sometimes we hear about it in church but we aren’t quite sure what it means.  As we start to read God’s Word is HIS word what will lead us to that new way of life. If you check The Ten Commandments those are the basics for every relationship first with HIM, as in “you must not have any other god but ME”[1], and “You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God[2]; then your relationship with others, as in “Honor your father and mother.”[3], as well as “You must not murder”, commit adultery, steal, lie or covet your neighbor belongings, including the wife/husband. And these because they are so elementary we can easily understand them, of course not so easy to do, because really without God it would be impossible for them all to be followed, but with God we can make it! 
As we start studying the Word our old ways would lose power in us as the Lord start washing us out from the inside out and this spiritual cleansing will allow God’s light to come and fill us then we will be able to reflect and practice The Truth, meaning God’s ways for HE is the Truth, The Life and The way. Once that cleaning process had started, please do not quit just because your imperfections, for God is able to clean us up to perfection in a blink of an eye but as HE does it gradually we tend to realize HIS power as we grow in communion with HIM thru prayer and study of HIS Word.  Then as the time passes we are able to experience the multitude of areas HE is been working in our lives at the same time then when you see someone who knew the “old you”, they’ll be like “Wao, what happened to you?!” And that my friend is a door HE has opened for you to share the benefits of following GOD.  Surrendering to our Creator will bring ETERNAL benefits, as we choose to resemble HIM, so testify to the world!

If any given point, you fall short and give in to temptation, as soon as you realize it, ADMIT you’ve sin, CONFESS it to GOD, and ask HIM to help you live for HIM, and HE who IS FAITHFUL and JUST will clean you up again, and keep going, away from that what made you sin.  For not to have another fall, AVOID the things, places and/or people related to the time you gave in. That’s the key! Every area in our lives can and will bring challenges, but again, if you give in, repeat the cleaning process; when you realize it, Admit, Confess, And Avoid.
This process not only will transform our lives but to those around us that see us trying to become like our Heavenly Father, they will be encourage to follow HIM as well, because of your attempts you’re bringing hope to their lives.  And soon or later they will surrender to God as well, you keep praying for them.

If you happen to have hate towards someone, every time that name or face come across your mind, present it to THE LORD, for HIM to cleanse those feelings and for that person to get save because most likely that person did wrong to you, and needs salvation.  When you pray for that person the LOVE of GOD will take over your mind, transforming it preventing future stumbles and the stumble of those who are looking at God’s transformation in your life.

If you think deep in the way you use to be, you will realize that you were craving for physical pleasure, for the things you saw, and wanted, for accomplishments, and possessions; all due to the fact that you were not living for GOD, and were bounded. I know because, I’ve been there, and done that!  But praise THE LORD, those old ways had fade away… and with it, we are victoriously living pleasing God, and will live with HIM forever!!! What a blessing!!! Thank YOU, JESUS!!!
I pray you be encourage, remember to stay rooted in HIM to the body of Christ which constantly meets in church to study GOD’s Word, and LEARN to live for HIM, fellowshipping with others that like us are pushing the old ways out and letting God’s way in, for HIS glory!  Oh another thing, if you see someone in the body who still struggle with the past conduct, do not give in to those old ways, just pray and encourage the person, but stay away from those old ways.

BE blessed in JESUS name, AMEN!!!



[1] Exodus 20:3
[2] Exodus 20:7
[3] Exodus 20:12,13-17

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