Friday, February 19, 2016

The key to get in The Lord’s presence – Leviticus 9

 “This is what the Lord has commanded you to do so that the glory of the Lord may appear to you.”
7…. “Come to the altar,
and sacrifice your sin offering and your burnt offering to purify yourself….
So Aaron went to the altar and slaughtered the calf as a sin offering ….
12 Next Aaron slaughtered the animal for the burnt offering
16 Then he presented the burnt offering and sacrificed it...
17 He also presented the grain offering
22 ….Then, after presenting the sin offering, the burnt offering, and the peace offering, he stepped down from the altar. 
23 and the glory of the Lord appeared to the whole community.
24 Fire blazed forth from the Lord’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground.(in additional worship)

So you see, in order to get into His presence, for the glory of the Lord to become evident, to and in you, you HAVE to bring a worship offering. That’s the key; you have to bring in an offering, let it be a sacrifice of praise.  The idea is using the time spent of a determined activity, only to worship The Lord, no distractions, only you, and you praising HIM.

A sacrificial offering would be:
  1.          Give the time of your favorite show
  2.          Give 30 minutes of your computer time
  3.          Turning your cell phone off/put it away, for an hour
  4.          Fasting a meal
  5.          Skipping a game or a movie or any other “important” activity

Because when you sacrifice your favorite ------ (whatever that might be) you’re telling the Lord, that HE is more important that any of your favorites, so important that you’ve decided to give it away to spend time with Him.  And when you spend this time, wholeheartedly seeking The Lord in worship, is like telling HIM you really mean business; you really want His presence in your life.  

Unfortunately, sometimes this sacrificial time is only done when we are facing a critical situation that we need the Lord to intervene, but the fact is that this offering time to The Lord should be a lifestyle.  When you make it a point to seek The Lord daily, HE LOVES it!!! That’s why HE answered, Moses, and his people, because they were seeking HIM with all their hearts, in spite of all the animals that they would have to bring, and all the rituals that the Old Testament speaks about, they sought The Lord!  Today, we just have to put distractions away, and worship! For some people, that’s so easy, that they just can’t believe it, so they just ignore it, and keep seeking other ways that end up costing them more to get what thru worship God could it provide, and what God gives will always be better, bigger, and last longer, that whatever you can do for yourself; for its our Omnipotent God who’s providing it. 

Therefore, DO NOT wait until your next family crisis to get into His presence; but get into His presence BEFORE the bad times come in, and maybe, just maybe, He will give you the heads up to avoid the situations, places or things that will bring you to those bad times.

I pray you try it this morning, and make it a habit to yield some of your favorite activities to spend that time seeking the presence of the Almighty God. I pray when you do, the presence of the Lord become so evident in you, that you really fall in love with JESUS, and start living for HIM like never before. For His glory I pray in Jesus name, AMEN!

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