Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Medical Book in Leviticus 12-15

Even after many years of reading The Bible, I still find this is a fascinating part in the book of Leviticus, because it includes the kind of teaching that people can’t believe is in The Bible.  The extensive and explicit details, it might make some gag, but really, is just pointing out the possibilities of many situations, and what to do about it; I would say like a Medical Concordance. One word we’ll see often is the conjunction “if”, to indicate the circumstances that would have to exist in order for an event to happen.  The range of the subjects discussed in this medical book are really quite interesting, from the menstrual period of the woman, to contagious skin diseases, including how to clean those diseases, to clothing and house mildew, and even talk about bodily discharges. Surprising? Yeah its, real! Just check it out, and be amazed!

Here’s an example…

·         If a woman has conceived, and borne a male child...5 ‘But if she bears a female…”

·         If anyone has a swelling or a rash or discolored skin…

·         If the hair in the affected area…

·         If the affected area of the skin is only a white discoloration…

·         If the rash continues to spread….

·         If a white swelling on the skin..

·         If any open sores appear…

·         If anyone has suffered a burn on the skin…

·         If the contaminated area in the clothing, the animal hide, the fabric, or the leather article has turned greenish or reddish…

·         If the spot later reappears on the clothing… the mildew is clearly spreading


I’m telling you, it’s fascinating!!! Just to realize the magnitude and the greatness of our Creator, that even several thousand years ago He knew this was going to be important for this era, it’s fascinating!

I pray you take sometime today and find these chapters, and let the adventure begin as you discover what our heavenly Father had set as the foundation of what is called “modern medicine”.  And I pray the more you read God’s Word, the more in love you get with Him, as you experience His immeasurable love for you. And I pray you get so impacted with what you read that you go and share with your world how relevant His Word is for us, for it is for His glory that I pray in Jesus name, AMEN!

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