Thursday, January 21, 2016

Amazing Creation’s details in Job 9 & 10

 Job:9 - 3For God is so wise and so mighty.  Who has ever challenged him successfully?  “Without warning, he moves the mountains, overturning them in his anger.  He shakes the earth from its place, and its foundations tremble.  If he commands it, the sun won’t rise and the stars won’t shine.  He alone has spread out the heavens and marches on the waves of the sea.  He made all the stars—the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the southern sky.   10 He does great things too marvelous to understand.  He performs countless miracles.
Job 10 – “8Your hands shaped me and made me…. Remember that you molded me like clay…
10 Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese, 11 clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews? 12 You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit.

Because of Job’s account I can confidently say this man went really thru things in life, that aren’t easy for anyone to beat; for the same reason it’s amazing to hear that in spite of his circumstance he still had enough common sense to worship God the way he did. Whenever you get to read his account remember his personal circumstances, and you’ll be amazed too.

We just have to look around at the things God created and we’ll find plenty of reason to give Him praises, His magnificent calls us to.  Really, without a warning, how many earthquakes we’ve had? And really, the day that The Lord would say to sun you will not rise today, or to the stars no more shining for you, it will be so. He alone has been the creator of the heavens and the earth. Every time I get to reflect on this Scripture that shows me that as early as at Job’s time, The Lord was already talking about constellations it blows my mind because coming from a society where we double and triple question things in order to believe until they can be “scientifically proven”, it just amazes me.  It’s hard to believe that if we as humans can realize that SOMEONE HAD TO BE greater than us in order to create the heavens and the earth; and that someone, allow us to get written proof of some of the things we question the most, why not believe HIM by giving HIM the credit and subsequently worship HIM?!  Truly God’s creation is too marvelous to understand, so why not just believe it?! I mean, it’s been written for ages now…. Hello!!!

Today, some of us, we just take things for granted, and do not appreciate that God already had explains things to us since early Bible times, and others yet, like my mom used to tell us “want to find more than four legs to a cat.”

In the next chapter[1], Job is recognizing that it was God who created and molded him (and us too) but he mentions another extraordinary detail and is about milk and cheese. Come on Reverend, you’re going to tell me that The Bible talks about milk and cheese? You might ask me, but did you notice it? By Job’s question we can deduct that he knew about milk, and cheese curdles! Also the mentioning of how our bodies wouldn’t be completed with this suit of flesh that covers all the components of our body that GOD Himself created, as He was knitting it together with bones and tendons, and every single element that so perfectly God designed for us to have. And The LORD took the care to show us those details of old for our own benefit!

Moreover Job speaks about God’s kindness and His providence watching over us, all of these even before we started questioning ourselves about existence. Isn’t that amazing!   The Lord knew someday we would question about His nature and existence and thru HIS written word He decided to answer those questions before we had asked them. Is not God great or what?

Next time you have deep question about God’s Masterpiece creation, you or any other part of it, pray for HIM to show you were to find the needed confirmation in The Bible.  And if you want some help finding details about that question you have, you can inbox me your question or check in the market place, where there are great resources.  Also a Bible concordance can provide you with great help, this tool will have an index of words and/or subjects showing you the exact location in The Bible where it talks about that particular subject.  This concordance is a great exploration tool, you might want to buy or rent from your local library as you start to adventure in God’s written testimony; then if you choose to rent it, at the time you start exploring you will want to run and buy your own copy of the concordance, its indeed a great tool!

I’m praying for you, to give yourself the time to discover what God’s love letter (The Bible) to us is all about. Have fun, discovering more amazing details of God’s written word. You will not regret it!

[1] Job 10:10

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