Monday, January 4, 2016

United in Prayer – Genesis 11

Today I was brought face to face with a reality, that sometimes we just take for granted.  Life is short! Also with the fact the IT IS WRITTEN: “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them! This was part of my study this morning but I couldn’t figure out exactly how I was to take. As I was praying asking the Lord about it, my household woke up, the mom duties started, and I asked the Lord to work with me to have some time again to go back and study that word.  My husband and I had talked about going today to visit a partner in ministry who happens to be in rehab after a stroke; and after breakfast was the best time, and so we did.

The kids went with us, wearing the shirts of the team this brother coaches; he has been their teacher for at least seven the last years. It was a bit sad to this teacher who for years had been the “life” of many of our kid’s activities in the church, with his outgoing, cheerful jokes, full of the joy of the Lord attitude, just lying in bed, not saying much.  But when my son showed his shirt, my brother, who couldn’t say much just broke in tears, crying, and we all cried… I could read it in his eyes, he wanted to say so many things, but with a bit difficulty he said “my kids”, and that he loved us… it was sooooo hard for all of us, and for him as well, he really wanted to talk but was unable.
We couldn’t do much after that but go into a prayer time; spend around half an hour or a bit more in church, just us four, calling to the only ONE who can REALLY do something for our dear partner in ministry, our Heavenly Father.  It’s so good when you can freely open your mouth and explain things like they are to someone, without being afraid of being judged, or taking sides, or even condemning for your wrong doings. When you can cry until no more tears come out, for your sadness feelings had all been cried out, the freedom that comes afterwards is priceless!

Afterwards back at home, I had a chance to go back to my Scripture, and it made sense!!! For it is written!!! In Genesis 11:5 - THE LORD came down to look at the city and tower the people were building, “Look!” HE said”. The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!  

These people were set to build a “good” thing but with the wrong motives, it was NOT to praise or worship GOD. On Genesis 11:4 they said: “Come, let’s build a great city for ourselves with a tower that reaches into the sky. This will MAKE us famous and keep us from being scattered all over the world.”
This reminded me that when we are united, like we were united in prayer for this partner in ministry; praying for the same thing, all at once, in one accord, is like we are speaking the same language, and therefore nothing we set out to do will be impossible; of course, when we pray for God to intervene HIS will be done, and definitely even the impossible can happen.  

Today I want to encourage you to get a “prayer partner” someone you can come together with and PRAY for people, things, and situations.  Whatever is written by GOD is a promise! Take it at heart, and believe for that ONE who promised is FAITHFUL!  Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” – Hebrews 10:23

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