Tuesday, January 12, 2016

From Fear to Victory – Genesis 32 & 33

So Jacob was greatly afraid and distressedAnd he said, “If Esau comes to the one company and attacks it, then the other company which is left will escape.” Then Jacob said, “O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, The Lord who said to me, ‘Return to your country and to your family, and I will deal well with you’: 10 I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which You have shown Your servant; for I crossed over this Jordan with my staff, and now I have become two companies. 11 Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come and attack me and the mother with the children. 12 For You said, ‘I will surely treat you well, and make your descendants as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.’” 13 So he lodged there that same night, and took what came to his hand as a present for Esau his brother 16 Then he delivered them to the hand of his servants, every drove by itself, and said to his servants, “Pass over before me, and put some distance between successive droves.” 17 And he commanded the first one, saying, “When Esau my brother meets you and asks you, saying, ‘To whom do you belong, and where are you going? Whose are these in front of you?’ 18 then you shall say, ‘They are your servant Jacob’s. It is a present sent to my lord Esau; and behold, he also is behind us.’” 19 So he commanded the second, the third, and all who followed the droves, saying, “In this manner you shall speak to Esau when you find him; 20 and also say, ‘Behold, your servant Jacob is behind us.’” For he said, “I will appease him with the present that goes before me, and afterward I will see his face; perhaps he will accept me.” 21 So the present went on over before him, but he himself lodged that night in the camp…. 24 Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day. 25 Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. 26 And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” 27 So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.” 28 And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel;[b] for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed…. And He blessed him there. 31 Just as he crossed over Penuel[d] the sun rose on him, and he limped on his hip….
Genesis 33:4But Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept.

When things seems to have no possible success, and fear tries to get a grip on our life, distress kicks in and rises up the reality of our own weaknesses revealing that unless a miracle happens, we are not going to make it; for these times is that The Lord make sure, we got another great testimony that shows us how things are to be done for with HIM, everything is possible!

Here’s the backbone of this story…
  1. Jacob was afraid, terrified! – Genesis 32:7
  2. He prayed – vs. 9-12
  3. He claimed in detail, what God had promise to him: “you told me, you’ve shown me…”
  4. He remember HIM what he was before meeting God
  5. He reminds HIM what he’s now
  6. He share his fearful state and the reason of it
  7. He reminds God again of His promises to him in detail
  8. After prayer, he slept for the night and then acted in faith – vs. 13
  9. To appease his brother’s anger, Jacob selects gifts from his own possessions vs. 20
  10. Gave instructions to his men about the chosen gifts, he order of the events and what to say
  11. Jacob wrestles God, “until HE blessed him” - vs. 26
  12. God blesses Jacob, and changes his name to Israel
  13. Not before leaving him a scar to remember God’s mercy – vs. 30
  14. Esau, the angered brother shows up in peace, kissed him and both wept. – Genesis 33: 4
  15. Jacob’s victory is accomplished, thanks to God!

Next time you get in distress, remember what Jacob did, and follow the backbone of this account.  Our Lord who is FAITHFULwill NEVER leave you or forsake you”[1], for “YOU ARE HIS MASTERPIECE”[2], created with a GREAT purpose, and for HIS glory! If us in our “evil nature”, know how to give good gifts to our children, “how much more will our Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him”![3]

Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: BELIEVE IN THE LORD YOUR GOD, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.”[4]

Please know with the love of God, I love you, and I’m praying for you!

[1] Hebrews 13:5b
[2] Ephesians 2:10
[3] Matthew 7:11
[4] 2 Chronicles 20:20

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