Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Special Gift – Genesis 4

“Now Adam[a] had sexual relations with his wife, Eve, and she became pregnant. When she gave birth to Cain, she said, “With the Lord’s help, I have produced[b] a man!” 2 Later she gave birth to his brother and named him Abel. When they grew up, Abel became a shepherd, while Cain cultivated the ground. 3 When it was time for the harvest, Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the Lord. 4 Abel also brought a gift—the best portions of the firstborn lambs from his flock. The Lord accepted Abel and his gift, 5 but he did not accept Cain and his gift. This made Cain very angry and he looked dejected.6 “Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? 7 You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”8


With the pass of time, God’s plan develops; in this case, Adam and Eve became fruitful, and multiplied, just as planned.  They had two boys, who grew up, and one decided to be an Agriculturist, the other one, a SHEPHERD.  

The contrast here is about the professional inclination of these two boys had.  One son took the inclination of caring for the land that would provided the trees, fruits, and food not only for their sustention but also for the flock’s; the other son incline to care for the flock itself. 

And it came to pass that when the time for the offering came, both kids brought their gifts.  One of those two offerings/gifts was seen better than the other one, and it was accepted. Can you “guess” which was the one accepted?  The offer of the one son who cared for the flock itself was accepted, NOT the one who cared for what the flock would have to eat. Of course the land was important, but the inhabitants of that land had priority than the land itself.

And you might have said, “come on, they are gifts! And one was not accepted?!  Really?!”; “It’s a gift! Everyone accepts a gift or at least is supposed to appreciate the gesture, and accept the gift.” 

There are several points that the Lord wants us to look at today.  First, the gift, and second the reason for that gift.

Think about your own life. I’m sure thru your life you’ve been given several gifts, but on your last shower of gifts, think about it for a minute.  Among those given gifts, there were some gifts wrapped other maybe in bagged; some came on time, others maybe late (better late than never, you may say). But then there was ONE gift; this one outstand the rest, maybe was in a huge bag, or a fancier very shiny wrap, maybe came in the mail, or maybe by someone you did not even thought cared for you. The thing is that one gift you got became special so special that you remember all about it; maybe because you REALLY needed it, or simply because it came from a special loved one, that was exactly what made it a special gift, it stood out from the rest of the gifts.

Discovering the reasons for the gift is as important as the gift itself, and we want to think about when we have the opportunity to give.  Do we give just because we want to, or because we have to?  Do we give to impact/bless the receiver in a deep way or just to do away with the occasion?

As we follow the story of these two brothers, Cain & Abel, we can see the land is important for one of them, but for the other one, the inhabitants of that land and their relationship with who created them its way much more important than the land itself.  The offering as a gift is important for one, but to other, “pleasing” the person whom the offering/gift is for is a must. 

Cain, the firstborn of this couple, Adam & Eve, decided to work the land for living, whether it was to help the father or just because that was his assigned chore, that was his job. Abel, his brother, took care of his father’s flock, and that was his job. When the harvest time came, it was time for a thanksgiving offering.  Cain shows up with his gift from the land he had taken care of; and so did Abel, bringing the best portions of the firstborn lambs from his flock.

Although Cain’s gift might have been good before his eyes, but then Abel shows up with his gift… and I can’t help it but it makes me think about that kid we all know who gets a toy for the birthday, and the kid plays with it, so happy and do not want anyone to touch it, until someone shows up with an electronic toy, then they leave whatever toy they had before, for the electronic toy. This new electronic toy is more appealing, more … more… than the other one.

I imagine when Abel showed up, God’s eyes glittered, and so He disregarded Cain’s gift, because simply Abel’s was outstanding!

I want you to think about your gift to the Lord.  How is that gift from you to HIM?  Is it daily, weekly or only Christmas, Thanksgiving & Easter?

Think about the resources that He’d given you, are you offering HIM your best?  Not that we are looking to repay HIM for all He has done for us, but does your gift shows the gratitude of your heart? Does it show so much that you bring yourself before HIM for a daily love offering and spend time with HIM?  Do you give Him the leftovers of your life, with your time? Or your offering says “I’m grateful, and here I’m giving you one hour on any given Sunday… see I’m grateful!” Would The Lord reject your gift, like He did with Cain’s? Or would HE be in love with your gift like HE was with Abel’s?

Our GOD knows our hearts, no matter how small or big your gift to HIM; He will not expect from you to give HIM what you do not have. But if He’d given you life, then live for HIM! If He has given you a voice HE expects you to worship Him, the best you can. When you speak, your offering would be to speak of HIS Word, testify to the world what He has done in your life. When you see a need, and out of your resources you meet that need, that’s your best offering.  If you do not have what it takes to meet that need, then that’s not your opportunity but someone else’s.

Sin is to know what to do, and not doing it; if we KNOW what God wants OUR BEST offering onto HIM, we MUST follow HIS lead, because sin its crouching at the door looking to master it; and the ONLY MASTER in our life ought to be OUR CREATOR.

Let today be the day when your offering start representing to the Lord, the gratefulness of your heart for all He has given you, especially the gift of sending JESUS, HIS Son to die in the cross to pay for your sins (mine too).    Start your BEST OFFERING ever onto THE LORD, TODAY!!! And every day, allow the offering of that day to supersede the one from yesterday, not only God will be please with you, but you will REALLY become a blessing to those in your home, your community, your job, and you will be making disciples along the way, all because you cared. Way to go!!!
I pray you do, for I’m praying for you!

Be blessed in JESUS name, and for HIS glory, AMEN!


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