“ 4 Yet my friends laugh at me, for I call on God and expect an answer. I am a just and blameless man, yet they laugh at me. 5 People who are at ease mock those in trouble. They give a push to people who are stumbling. 6 But robbers are left in peace, and those who provoke God live in safety though God keeps them in his power. 7 “Just ask the animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you. 8 Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you. Let the fish in the sea speak to you. 10 For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being. 11 The ear tests the words it hears just as the mouth distinguishes between foods. 12 Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old. 13 “But true wisdom and power are found in God; counsel and understanding are His. 14 What He destroys cannot be rebuilt. When he puts someone in prison, there is no escape. 15 If he holds back the rain, the earth becomes a desert. If he releases the waters, they flood the earth. 16 Yes, strength and wisdom are his; deceivers and deceived are both in his power. 17 He leads counselors away, stripped of good judgment; wise judges become fools. 18 He removes the royal robe of kings. They are led away with ropes around their waist. 19 He leads priests away, stripped of status; he overthrows those with long years in power. 20 He silences the trusted adviser and removes the insight of the elders. 21 He pours disgrace upon princes and disarms the strong. 22 “He uncovers mysteries hidden in darkness; he brings light to the deepest gloom. 23 He builds up nations, and he destroys them. He expands nations, and he abandons them. 24 He strips kings of understanding and leaves them wandering in a pathless wasteland. 25 They grope in the darkness without a light. He makes them stagger like drunkards.”
It’s a normal thing for us who believe in the power of a
Mighty God to expect an answer when we call, otherwise why bother in calling, right?
BUT, believe it or not, those people that laugh at us because of our
expectations in the Lord, their reactions are just a proof of their lack fellowship
with GOD. Their shallow relationship with HIM, shows they do not know who
really GOD is. Sometimes we see them seeking for GOD in the weirdest places
ever, and also desperately praying or offering “sacrifices” to statues, angels
or other images, all because they’ve been convicted that we have something they’ve
been looking for and haven’t founded, and are afraid to ask us about it. In
their quest for the truth sometimes they turn to palm readers, witchcraft, and
so many other things that will leave them empty again, and even worse, hopeless!
As a testimony, I can tell you that when I became
hopeless, I stopped going to that church I got married; there were too many
idols for me to choose from to bring my prayers and needs to, and it wasn’t simply
working. I would go to church, and the way I would come out was worst than when
I got in, and week after week, I started to lose faith. Because my prayers weren’t being answered, all
because I was trying to get to the Lord to answer my prayer not thru Jesus, THE
but thru other “god-like” things; and none of them worked!
We can fall on that deception of thinking that we can
use any “god-like” things, when we do not spend enough time reading and
studying the Word of God! It’s one thing
to go to church any given Sunday, or even every Sunday, but it’s another thing,
having a DAILY talk with the Lord, and hear HIM speak to our lives as we read
HIS Word.
You might agree or not with me on this one, but another
thing that makes a difference is coming to weekly Bible study and Sunday school. Is in these small groups were you ask
questions, were students talk, revealing to each other and to the teachers what
is the spiritual individual need of each person, and therefore we all learn to
grow in our Christian walk. If you pay a
close attention or ask directly to that person who worships a bit more exuberant
that the rest of the church, you probably will see a person who spends time in
discipling classes; attending frequently to prayer meetings or conferences in
or out of the church and/or teaches here and there about the Lord.
Developing a deep communion starts as we spend time in
HIS presence, see I didn’t say as we start coming to church, because
unfortunately, today the word church is used for much more than a communion
place. Most definitely I will say you need
to start visiting the church, but that’s not the only thing that needs to be
done. When you get there, you need to
spend time getting to know GOD; which is the first and foremost reason to visit
the church.
Sometimes well gifted people who visit the church
seeking God for a transformation in their lives, share some of those gifts, and
immediately a desperate for help leader, place eyes on that gift, and makes
that new brother in Christ, an “essential personnel” for a determined ministry,
not realizing that sharing their gifts was not the priority that took them there. We have people, who spend time in church,
working here and there, but NOT sitting down getting God’s wisdom poured in;
listening and carefully meditating on God’s Word, and searching how to apply
what’s being taught to their lives; therefore you see them, always working! But
that’s just work, not communion. These
are the people that when the pressures of the position they are doing in church
kicks in, because they have not been trained deep in the Word of God just yet, to
deal with the things of this world, they cannot bear with the pressure, and
they end up, back out of the church. And the leaders who commit this mistake
will be accountable!
When God speaks to you, if there’s something HE wants you
to change, HE will give you a conviction to change it, and you will feel uncomfortable
every time you go to do that thing He wants you to change. Please do not
believe the devil’s lie that might be telling you, “the preacher doesn’t like
you” or “someone told him about you”. Absolutely no! That’s just the enemy,
tempting you to think like that so you would feel ashamed, discourage and leave
the church! Don’t believe that lie!
The “uncomfortable” feeling that comes from God is a
good thing; because it will move us to change ways and behaviors that affect
our Christian walk, that’s why the enemy wants you to withdraw from church. Be
strong, and do not! Immediately join one of the discipling classes of the
church, whether is the New Believer’s class, Couple’s class, Women’s class, Men’s
class, Young-Adults or Youth classes because again. It is there in the small
groups were you meet another people like you; people going thru the usual
struggles of life, and there’s were they’re learning how to cope with those
struggles and learning to live a successful life as describe by Christ in HIS
Word. Join a small group today, even if you have not felt any conviction to
change anything, just yet; the strength you’ll acquire will be a very helpful
thing for you and your loved ones will benefit from it as well.
In the last fifteen verses we have a detailed description
of the some basics of our God, which we must understand. Above all, GOD is the one in charge of life,
that’s not too complicated for when He says “stop breathing” that person whom
He is saying that to, will stop breathing; also true wisdom and power are found
in HIM. This second one as you study The Bible more, you’ll understand better,
but for now, just believe that when HE SAYS something, that will go. Same when He allows something to be destroyed
will stay gone; and when He holds back whatever there will be lack of that
whatever. And when it rains, it pours; if
someone needs to be lead away for whatever reason, HE will allow that to happened,
and when someone needs to be silenced, He’ll know how to. He allows sometimes
bad things to happen with the purpose of good and better things to come forth.
Believe that when something needs to be uncovered, you pray and HE will bring
HIS light to it, and it will come forth. He has expanded nations and when those
nations push HIM away, HE will step aside, until they realize without HIM, they
are nothing! Because without God who IS the truth and the light, we will remain
in darkness and without light our ways are uncertain, and we will stumble, like
drunkards. Which by the way need God’s light; pray for them (drunkards), and
invite them to church, they deserve a chance too!
God bless you, I’m praying for you. Until we “talk” again, keep studying The
Bible for more interesting facts about God and His Word. And as you do, invite and bring to church those
“far from God people” you might now. If
you want me to pray for them, feel free to inbox me the info.
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